Friday, October 18, 2019

Money and Payments Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Money and Payments - Coursework Example However, with electronic payment systems, commercial law uses solutions designed to transfer funds or assets electronically over long distances. For instance, hotels and banks simply swipe credit cards over ATMs or counter machines to transfer funds and verify information regarding the linked account and its holder. Technological advancements will certainly continue to lower transaction costs by reducing the steps involved with each transaction verification and user authentication protocol (Mastrianna, 2012). In addition, commercial law will grow to integrate more technological innovations in its regulations and allow for smoother transactions among financial institutions, and ultimately lower transaction expenses. The United States government can improve the accuracy of its measurements by encouraging open trade with overseas economies and a new economic incentive platform (Forrest, 2014). This incentive platform offers free cash to the public so that they can buy goods and services rather than pay for bills or invest. The government can make this cash available by lowering taxes, creating more employment opportunities, subcontracting fewer employment opportunities, stabilizing the national budget, enhancing infrastructure, and providing small commercial platforms (Forrest,

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