Friday, October 18, 2019

Management of Occupational Health & Safety Essay

Management of Occupational Health & Safety - Essay Example The incident was caused by the night crew putting a condensate injection pump into service, that earlier in the day had been taken out of service for maintenance. Additionally, the magnitude of the disaster was multiplied since a pressure safety valve had been removed for recertification. Such non-routine work increases risk of a catastrophic accident taking place (AICE, 2007: 287). Primarily, operator errors should have been prevented. Written, standardized procedures and permits applying to the entire facility or to the equipment, are a practical necessity for effectively and consistently controlling non-routine work related to high-risk activities. This includes two-way communication through checklists or permits to authorize the work, which highlight particular hazards that might be encountered and specify appropriate safeguards. Permits for non-routine work should be issued and reviewed by a trained person. Additionally, a preventive system of maintenance department locks should be in place (AICE, 2007: 293-295, 298). Further, the offshore installation manager (OIM) at the Piper Alpha was untrained to cope with the emergency. He did not communicate or take crucial decisions to cut off oil production, block supply of gas to the pipelines from the neighbouring facility, call for helicopters for rescue work, delegate authority or alleviate stress in the men (Flin et al, 1996: 262). Engineering design of the different components in the facility was faulty, such as interdependent couplings and linkages among the components of the facility, and with neighbouring installations. Hence, there was no provision for automatic shutdown of production, or for alarm, public address, and other critical systems. The mutual proximity of control room, radio room, electric generators, diesel room, with production modules caused a chain action of component failures due to fire propagation and explosions. The design of fire protection such as

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