Sunday, July 28, 2019

Gender and Sexuality Terms Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Gender and Sexuality Terms - Assignment Example ription of sexuality and the behaviors aligned with included;- asexuality which was referred to as the lack of interest to anyone of either gender or lack of sexual interest or activity. This further gave rise to a more detailed explanation with the terms heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual taking the new role in describing the new traits. There has been intensified research that has been aimed at explaining the relationship between Sociological, psychological and biological aspects that lead to the above behaviors. Whereas heterosexual is the attraction to the opposite gender, homosexual refers to attraction to the same gender and bisexual the sexual attraction to both males and females. The research and detailed analysis of the biological aspects has given rise to new terms in the field. The newest are demisexual and pansexual and they are discussed as they relate to gender and sexuality. Pansexual is the new term that is used to refer to individuals who are attracted to individuals of both genders. It is used alternatively with the term polysexual. Katz stated that ‘the new terms are used to explain the upcoming behaviors in the gender and sexuality field and to try and establish the relationship between the aspects that lead to the hotly debated trends like homosexuality’ (23). Whereas many scientists claim that there is no link between biology and the behaviors that one usually exhibit, research has shown a significant correlation between the two and they are almost totally convinced that there is a relationship between the two. This is happening as more queer and LGBT people are seeking to have acceptance in the society which is proving somehow rigid to the new trends and behaviors. On the other hand demisexuals are persons who are only attracted to a person sexually after they become deeply emotionally or romantically connected. This should not be confused with the deliberate abstaining from sexual approaches. Demisexuals have been explained as those

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