Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Is The Thought Of Mind Control Of People - 848 Words

Some people believe there are conspiracies out there. If you go around and ask random people about certain conspiracies they will say one of three things: â€Å" I have never heard of this event.†, â€Å"That event never happened. That does not even sound realistic.†, or â€Å" This event definitely did occur. You just do not see any proof because the government destroyed all proof and paperwork.† People will naturally have different opinions. I believe these events have to exist. There are too many cover ups and boring actions in life for there not to be anything out there that is not true, even if it does sound weird, such as the Project Monarch coverup. Threw the history, why the â€Å"mind control† was implemented, and the stages. I do believe. Project Monarch is the believed mind control of people. In the beginning the concept of mind control can be traced back to Egypt, Greece, India and Babylon; especially back to Egypt from the source called the Book of the Dead. In the book the details have been revealed of torture, using drugs, and hypnotism. From there on the concept of mind control has been used widely, such as â€Å"During the 13th Century, the Roman Catholic church increased and solidified its dominion throughout Europe with the infamous Inquisition.† ( Patton Operation Monarch ) The most famous usage was during WWII. Multiple scientist such as Dr. Joseph Mengele or Dr. Green, he was also nicknamed the Angel of Death. â€Å" he is infamous for his sordid human experiments onShow MoreRelatedManipulation Of Power In George Orwells 1984 By George Orwell779 Words   |  4 Pages Manipulation of the Mind After capturing Winston Smith for thought crime, O’Brien describes real power as â€Å"tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your choosing† (Orwell 266). By this he explains that true power is being able to choose what people minds think. In George Orwell’s novel, 1984, Winston, a Ministry of Truth worker who hates the Party, slowly starts to disobey the Party rules such as having freedom of thought and individuality. He entrustsRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s Orwell Essay1578 Words   |  7 Pageswarn people of the dangers associated with a totalitarian society, because he believed that one-day history would repeat itself. Furthermore, Orwell includes his vision of â€Å"a post-atomic dictatorship in which every individual would be monitored ceaselessly by means of the telescreen [that] seemed terrifyingly possible† (1984). In addition to the stalking telescreens, Orwell introduces the effectivene ss of thought control. Orwell uses characters and organizations such as The Party, who controls itsRead MoreMedia In George Orwells 19841262 Words   |  6 Pagesand thoughts. This is exemplified by the novel 1984, by George Orwell, which depicts an oppressive society ruled by a totalitarian government controlling. Orwell describes the ruler of this government, Big Brother, as having complete, despotic control over his subjects, including complete control over the media. While it is true most people are heavily influenced by the media, outright control can only be achieved over a collective consciousness, not the minds of individuals. Whoever controls theRead MoreWho Holds The Clicker, By Susan Blackmore1421 Words   |  6 Pages Mind control is the shaping of attitudes, beliefs and that can be simply defined as the manipulation of one’s thoughts to process. People are aware of what makes them happy and what makes them sad by controlling their thoughts and emotions. They ho pe to change the environment they are in or become familiar with being able to adapt the situations. 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Hope comes to a man named Winston, the protagonist, a lone man who secretly opposes the manipulation of the mind. After the plot unravels, Winston begins to show his opposition against the party. The party controls everything in the society and puts everything the way they want it to be, endlessly reminding people that theyRead MoreA Mystery Of Heroism By Stephen Crane And Edwin Arlington Robinson1168 Words   |  5 PagesMeyer once said, â€Å"If you don’t learn to control your thoughts, you will never learn how to control your behavior.† Lack of control over one’s thought can lead to ruinous behavior. People have been exploring the human behavior for the past centuries due to the major effects behavior and life events have on an individual. In the 1800s, naturalism, a literary movement, explored â€Å"human instincts and behavior† (433) and â€Å"examined the society that conditioned people to turn out as they did† (443). StephenRead MoreThe Mind Controls Our Brain1503 Words   |  7 Pagesmodification of some statement that were considered as relevant in the past such â€Å"our brain controls our mind† but, nowadays it’s quite clear that science agrees the contrary , which is â€Å"our mind controls our brain† and this can be elucidated by the fact that statistics confirm that 75-98 % of physical, mental and behavior illnesses come from our thought life; 350 million worldwide people suffer from depression;40 million people in the U.S. suffer from anxiety and disorders and there are more deaths from suicidesRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s Down With Big Brother 1387 Words   |  6 Pagespower. He wrote down, â€Å"Down with Big Brother.† This determined, bold declaration indicates that his diary would become the repository for everyone who has rebellious thoughts like Winston since he believes â€Å"If there is hope, it lies with the proles.† Even if this consequence comes to his death by the Party, his diary can trigger people to contemplate rebellion and inspire the future in which they all have the freedom to think, write, read, and live regarding concerning their desire. Such his intelligentRead More1984 Literary Analysis Essay1380 Words   |  6 Page sThe Nature of Control Is it the common human nature to feel power over others? A totalitarian government seeks to utilize its message of confinement and authority to control the many aspects of life. In the novel 1984, Orwell portrays totalitarianism through psychological manipulation, physical control and the control of language. The totalitarian party manipulates and invalidates the minds of the outer party and proles. Orwell describes the surroundings of Winston, showing totalitarianism, writing:

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Having a Baby Through Assisted Reproductive Technology Essay

Conceiving a baby can be easy for some couples and difficult for others. In fact, some couples can do so naturally and others may need some professional help or even to the point where adoption is the only possibility available. When given the option of professional help, we need to look at the big picture and think about the moral, immoral and ethical part of this delicate subject. However, while it may be difficult for some couples to conceive a baby, there are many methods that can possibly work and that’s when ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) becomes a great part of it. As far as the moral and ethical part, some people would disagree to this new technology such as IVF (in vitro fertilization), surrogacy, egg transfer,†¦show more content†¦Sarah is willing to do whatever it takes to become a mother. She believes that as long as she is happy and her husband is supporting her idea; the way of conception will not matter. The option of surrogacy conflicts with t he Kantian theory in reference to treating the surrogate mother as merely a means to an end versus an end in itself. For example, the motive Sarah has is to use the surrogate mother to carry her child for nine months so that Sarah and Jim may get what they want, which is a biological child. This being said, the surrogate mother is only viewed as a tool to Sarah and Jim and not necessarily as a sentient being. On the other hand, her husband is not willing to support her decision. In fact, he makes his decision based on Contractarianism’s theory. He believes that as long as they are both cooperating with each other and putting their maximum effort conceiving a child will be accomplished. Jim’s idea of conceiving a child is by using the method of superovulation therapy. He believes that sometimes infertility can be treated with a superovulation therapy, instead of having a surrogate bearing his child. In this case, Sarah will be treated with medications to increase the amount of eggs she ovulates every month. From there on, intrauterine insemination is performed. Given the couple’s different points of view, the topic becomes a little controversial. For instance, Sarah wants a surrogate to carry the child for nine months; while Jim wantsShow MoreRelatedBrief Description Of Technology And Assisted Reproductive Technology1453 Words   |  6 PagesBrief description of technology Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) refers to the technology  used to assist human  reproduction  for individuals who are infertile (inability to conceive after trying for at least 12 months). Assisted Reproductive Technologies are categorized as HardwareThere are a variety of assisted reproductive technologies that are used to help couples reproduce: †¢ In vitro fertilization (IVF) – this is fertilization outside of the body. IVF is the most effective and the mostRead MoreVitro Fertilization Vs. Sterile Parents1339 Words   |  6 PagesIn Vitro Fertilization is technology that is used to fertilize a female s eggs by a male’s sperm outside of the body, usually in a test tube: in vitro (â€Å"in glass†). From here, the embryos are put back into the woman s uterus in the hopes of a successful pregnancy with the outcome of a healthy baby. This assisted reproductive technology is a center of controversy between many. About 5% of couples living in the United States and other parts of the world considered developed experience infertilityRead MoreArtificial Reproduction Technology1264 Words   |  5 PagesIn a world where technology is in almost every aspect of our lives, the way that people can reproduce is not forgotten. Artificial reproduction technology, also known as ART has had many advances in the pa st few decades. Sometimes it is a very controversial topic because they don’t think that it is an area that should be messed with. Infertility, or the inability to reproduce can effect both males and females, it can put a lot of stress on a couple who are trying to have a child, and with the helpRead More Assisted Reproductive Technology Essay4737 Words   |  19 PagesAssisted Reproductive Technology Reproduction is the ability of a species to perpetuate and in the human species it is looked upon as a right in todays society. Males and females alike feel pressure that in order to be fully male or fully female they must procreate (Conrad, 1997). While this is not true of all men and women, for many married couples the ability to have children is important. It is only recently that infertile couples have been provided with options that would allow them toRead MoreAssisted Reproductive Technology Essay2755 Words   |  12 PagesAssisted reproductive technology Assisted Reproductive technology (Art) is a technology used to make babies in artificial way. This technology gave hope to a lot of people all over the world to have children. Statistics show that almost Three million infants have been delivered using Assisted Reproductive Technology in the last 30 years, all over the world. This procedure enables couples to achieve pregnancy, for example women or men who are infertile; also singles that want have babies,Read MoreIn Vitro Speech1184 Words   |  5 PagesWhere does life begin? In vitro fertilization is a process by which egg cells are fertilized by sperm outside of the womb. For couples who cannot conceive in the â€Å"natural way† through intercourse and fertilization of the egg and sperm, some may choose to undergo IVF in order get pregnant. People who might not fully understand IVF and how it works may argue that it is science getting in the way of what should be natural. Not everyone can conceive in the natural way and that is why I will be discussingRead MoreThe Development Of Vitro Fertilization1266 Words   |  6 Pagesfertility problems, increased risky and beneficial multiple births, and created a controversial surplus of embryos. â€Å"In 1978, Louise Joy Brown, the world’s first baby to be conceived via in vitro fertilization (IVF) is born at Oldham and District General Hospital in Manchester, England, to parents Lesley and Peter Brown. The healthy baby was delivered shortly before midnight by caesarean section and weighed in at five pounds, 12 ounces. Before giving birth to Louise, Lesley Brown had suffered yearsRead MoreIvf, The Procedure, Risks And Complications Of Ivf Essay1445 Words   |  6 PagesVitro Fertilisation (IVF) was first introduced by Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards in the 1970s. The majority of revolutionary developments in IVF during the eighties came from Australia (Leeton 2004). IVF is one of the most popular assisted reproductive technologies allowing couples facing infertility caused by damaged or blocked fallopian tubes to have a child (Zhu 2009). Many individuals who cannot conceive are looking for alternatives in childbearing (IVF 2016). This essay will discuss the hist oryRead MoreThe Invention Of Designer Babies1257 Words   |  6 Pagespotential to genetically modify embryos has created controversy whether this procedure if ‘morally correct.’ ‘Designer babies’ have been created by screening embryos for genetic diseases. However, ‘Designer babies’ has also been used to contain selected desired qualities such as eye colour, hair colour and skin complexion. The question remains, â€Å"where is the line drawn for ‘designer babies?’† In Vitro Fertilisation â€Å"In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is a procedure in which eggs (ova) from a woman s ovaryRead MoreThe Genetic Modification Of Humans993 Words   |  4 Pagesfor acknowledging its beneficial purposes. Although the scientific explanations are intricate, the definitions can be generalized for easier understanding. Competently, it is known that genetic code, genes, is directly inherited from parents to babies through deoxyribonucleic acid, commonly known as DNA. â€Å"DNA is two strands, connected by repeating molecules, which form a spiral shape latter which composes genetic information† (Koth). This DNA strand incorporates, what we as humans, are made of and

Friday, December 13, 2019

Instant Solutions for Expository Essay Examples for Middle School Simple Step by Step Format

Instant Solutions for Expository Essay Examples for Middle School Simple Step by Step Format If you're going to compose an expository essay, be ready to devote much time hitting books. When you write, you ought to consider your reader's questions. The conclusion of essay, that's the previous part, should become your opportunity to earn your readers understand the entire point of your topic. As soon as you have the topic, answer the question and after that support your answer with three or more explanations for why you believe it. The Fundamentals of Expository Essay Examples for Middle School Revealed If you would like your essay to fit the requirements, you must always know which variation of the task to use. Then the next step is going to be to find out more about the expository essay structure. Each body paragraph should concentrate on a single argument, called the most important point. The introductory paragraph will have a thesis statement and the theme ought to be gr ounded. Nevertheless, it is advisable to have some idea of what makes a superb expository paper before you embark on the writing process. The benefits of a quick essay is that you could focus on a single side of the situation. An essay is only a string of thoughts which have been put in order to earn a coherent idea. A comparison essay will concentrate on similarities as a contrast paper will concentrate on the differences. The New Angle On Expository Essay Examples for Middle School Just Released If you are inclined to learn what an expository essay is and the way to write it with no stress, you're in a suitable spot! Try to remember, though you might not be crafting the upcoming great novel, you are trying to leave an enduring impression on the folks evaluating your essay. You don't always recognize the direction you experience about a topic or what you wish to say regarding the difficulty, you permit the research and your own route to determine the outcome. Finally let's look at comparison essays. To begin with, you should find the significance of the expository essay definition and pick the topic you understand well or at least find it interesting to find out more about. It is most expedient to begin writing essays as soon as you have read a sample of the very same sort of essay. As you're most likely already aware, it's very rare to obtain an entirely open-ended expository essay assignment. You may always review expository essay examples and learn to connect your paragraphs. If you're not sure, it's possible to always review expository essay examples for the suitable cue words. To fully grasp how women are portrayed as activists, it is essential to have knowledge on the plot of the film. Adding school days will merely earn a youngster's life more boring. Explain why parents are from time to time strict. Western parents are available in all varieties. But What About Expository Essay Examples for Middle School? Explain why it is you're interested in a specific career. Our writing service is the very best on the marketplace. Working to an argumentative essay when you're learning first steps, isn't an easy job to do. The Expository Essay E xamples for Middle School Cover Up Prepare yourself to apply sequential, spatial, topical, and several different patterns to get your story interesting and detailed. Women in the film are unwavering and prepared to provide their precious aid in a dire circumstance. In school, it's an unavoidable truth that you'll be requested to write something about a topic which sometimes you're so eager to finish. Then take some time to understand how to accomplish this, and it'll ensure you are not going to get penalized for any formatting errors. Therefore, you should understand each and every word in your topic. From its name, you can guess that you ought to have a crystal clear picture of a specific thing so as to supply your reader with a very clear and concise explanation. The examples I have located in the text help the reader to examine the issue differently, to evaluate the seriousness of what is occuring. The Nuiances of Expository Essay Examples for Middle School A broad ran ge of expository essay examples have the exact same capabilities. Reading though samples will lower your time later on, since you will begin writing your essay with clear understanding how to compose your own paper. Have a look at the expository essay samples, which one can easily find online nowadays. Training to compose essays on various topics is going to be the ideal preparation to the exam. Locate the trustworthy information for the essay topic you will work on. Expository essay topics might be selected by means of a student as inquiry. There are a few great topics to think about when deciding on a topic for your argumentative essay.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Employee Resourcing free essay sample

Their business approach and culture is very different from other competitors. Examples of their different culture are; no dress code, flexible working hours and spending lavishly on the recruitment process. Around 700, mostly young employees work under Trilogy and its Director of college recruiting Mr. Jeff Daniel expects the employees to â€Å"commit their expertise and vitality to everything they do†. Trilogy has an expensive and aggressive employee recruitment strategy that includes training at the companys Trilogy University. The new employees joined will undergo an intensive training program at their in-house training facility known as â€Å"Trilogy University†. Recruiters tend to select the ambitious, over achievers with entrepreneurial instincts from the campus recruitment method being the fresher’s in the job market. Trilogy’s recruitment interviews are said to be very intense at the same time an interview day will end with lot of adventure and fun activities for both recruiters and interviewers, which makes a strong bond between new comers and the managers. We will write a custom essay sample on Employee Resourcing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For Trilogy recruiting is not just a high priority its a company-wide mission. Its mission is to recruit the best of the best?. For that reason Trilogy uses very costly recruiting techniques: The Company spent $13,000 per hire with 262 college graduates were selected from short listed 4000 candidates, and this short listing was from 15000 applications! Q1. Identify some of the established recruiting techniques that underlie Trilogy’s unconventional approach to attracting talent? The company Trilogy, aggressively pursues the least experienced people in the job market.At many college campuses island wide, in career fairs and computer-science departments, looking for students who represent what Daniel calls whom are expected to totally commit their expertise and vitality in everything they do†. In other words, he looks for young, talented over achievers with entrepreneurial ambition – people. The top managers, including CEO of the company, conduct the first round of  inter views, letting all applicants know that it would be hard, but rewarding experience.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Living By Number Essays

Living By Number Essays Living By Number Essay Living By Number Essay Living by Number Summary MarineCorp was the maritime solution provider for the SORIA group of companies. It had two subsidiaries which are Green Port Sdn Bhd and Sungai Emas Port Sdn Bhd. Hafiz Hasyim is the person who is responsible to report financial performance in the company. He is one of the Boards which is CFO in organizational structure for the three companies. Besides, Vessel inspection and vetting was a major business of MarineCorp. MarineCorp also provide consulting services to SORIA and its related contractors that included those for newly built vessel for upstream and downstream il and gas operations. For Green Port, it major activities included pilotage and marine support, emergency response, port management and operations, navigational safety, and marine services to the Single Buoy Mooring facilities. Last but not least, Sungai Emas major activities included pilotage and marine support, emergency response, port management and operations, and navigational safety. Protagonist/ Decision maker Hafiz Hashim, the Chief Financial Officer of Marine Corp Sdn Bhd and responsible for the financial management of MarineCorp and its wholly-owned subsidiaries which re Green Port Sdn Bhd and Sungai Emas Port Sdn Bhd. Problem There are some problems that Hafiz face during this financial performance which is he in dilemma situation whether to approach economic earnings that has required by SORIA group, Value Based Management (VBM) or use profits as practised by the company(Marine Corp Sdn Bhd) and its subsidiaries to report financial performance. Also, the Chairman requested specifics action that can improve companys performance due to financial performance. Other problem faced by the protagonist is pressure from the General Manager of Green Port and also Marine Corp Sdn Bhd here they want to have better performance so they can get higher bonuses. GM Green Port, Anita Osman requested to amortise the dregging cost because Hafiz miscalculated them while GM Marine, Lee Chong Way refused to propose the dividend to the shareholders because of the cash already spend to fund investments. There are also certain accounting issues that arise that give pressure to solve it. The Major Issue The major issue occurred when there are two types of opinions that Hafiz has to consider. First is the opinion president of Suria Group so that Value Based Management (VBM) to be used for the SORIA Group and all its subsidiaries and associated companies. Secondly, for the current situation the MarineCorp and it subsidiaries are practicing profit base to measure the company performance. Besides, General Manager (6M) of Green Port requested to change dredging cost by amortizing it. Another issue occurred also in Marine Corp while the GM of the company refuse to propose dividend to their shareholders and use cash to generate interest income on fund investment. Case Exhibits From Appendix G it shows the companies NOPAT, Average Invested Capital and Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) and from these components the performance for each company can be measured. Under the VBM model, both economics earning for Sungai Emas and MarineCorp are positive which are 5,030,563 and 14,274,611 thus its shown that these company are creating value for their company. In the other hand, economic earning for Green Port is -14,588,232 (negative) and this indicates that value was destroyed for the company. Besides, under profit based the Green Port company shown the most profitable company compared to Sungai Emas and MarineCorp when the net profit after tax for the Green Port is the ighest among them. Question 1: Determine the economic earnings of the MarineCorp Sdn Bhd, Green Port Sdn Bhd and Sungai Emas Sdn Bhd. Because the president of SORIA wants to use the Value Based Management (VBM) system, the company would be measured by economics earnings. The table above show economic earnings for each company. Green Port will have negative economic earnings while the other two will have positive economic earnings. Positive economic earnings means that value was created for the company and investment should be done in this company because it provides higher return han the cost of capital. Negative economic earnings would mean than the value of company was destroyed and investment should be avoided from this company because it illustrate that the company failure to provide higher returns than the cost of capital. Question 2: Rank the companies in terms of their financial performance. Measurement Marine Corp Sungai Emas Green Ranking Economic profit Net profit after tax 5,841 ,524 2770,609 Profit margin 28. 89% 24. 03% 28. 46% Current ratio 2. 47 2. 96 1. 13 ROA 70. 57% 26. 94% 5. 56% Based on the Tablel . 1, we have decided that Marine Corp Sdn Bhd has the best inancial performance compare with others two subsidiaries; Sungai Emas Port Sdn Bhd and Green Port Sdn Bhd. Even Green Port has the larger profit based but actually the company has destroy value if we calculate with the Value Based Management (VBM) as requested by the group SORIA. The value was destroy maybe because of the net operating profit was include the higher dredging cost that has been spend which is the amount that General Manager Green Port, Anita Osman want to amortise the cost to ensure that the company gain profit. Moreover, the Green port also had inancial charges while the other two companies did not have financial charges. In fact, the amount for profit based and economic earnings is differ where the amount of profit decrease. In term of ratio, profit margin shows that Marine Corp is the higher percentage which 28. 89% and follow by Green Port. However, Sungai Emas Port has lower profit margin, 24. 3% but the company has higher current ratio where is means an indication of a companys ability to meet short-term debt obligations or the possibility the company can pay debts because of Sungai Emas Port has higher urrent assets and lower current liabilities. Green Port has the lower percentage to pay the debt only 1. 13. Return on Assets (ROA) tells an investor how much profit a company generated for each dollar of assets. The higher ROA, more investor want to invest in the company. So it gives good impressions to the company. Marine Corp has higher ROA with 70. 57% followed by Sungai Emas Port 26. 4% while Green Port only 5. 56%. Overall, Marine Corp Sdn Bhd has better financial performance compare to other companies even current ratio Sungai Emas is higher than Marine Corp but the different is not too large. Marine Corp still can pay the debt. Follow by Sungai Emas Port Sdn Bhd and lastly Green Port Sdn Bhd. Question 3: In your opinion, why are the General Managers Green Port Sdn Bhd and MarineCorp behaving in such manner? In my opinion the reasons why the General Manager of both MarineCorp and Green Port behaving in such manner are self interest and stakeholder perspective towards their company. First scenario is when Anita Osman who is the General Manager of Green Port asks Hafiz to change the dredging by amortizing it. Basically, amortization is a method of recovering (deducting) certain apital costs over a fixed period of time. It is similar to the straight line method of depreciation. According to Win Mark Business solution, the amortization only applies to expenses incurred after you decide to establish a particular business and before the business actually begins operation. It applies not to all expenses. Some of them such as advertising; salaries and wages paid to employees who are being trained; travel expenses incurred in lining up prospective distributors, suppliers, or customers; and salaries and fees paid or incurred for executives, consultants, or imilar professional services. It does not, however, apply to expenses that would not be deductible if incurred after you start the business. In this case, the dredging cost exists under this category. It cant be amortize when it has incurred. It will violate the accounting principle of prudent. Furthermore, the financial statement would not give a true and fair when the cost is understated because of the amortization. When Anita decided to amortize the dredging cost, the total expense would decrease. This condition will lead to the higher profit even though from the reality view it is not. When the profit is higher, thus the performance of the company is viewed as excellent. As the company performance is good, the bonuses for the General Manager which is Anita Osman would increase. In case of General Manager of Green Port, Lee Chong Way refuses to pay dividend to shareholder. In his point of view, generate interest income on fund investment is better than giving away dividend to shareholder. The reason is market analysts worldwide are ranking companies by looking at the profit of the company. Moreover, the investor will attract to invest in the company that having ability to generate higher profit. The higher the profit, it is mean the company is the top company. Besides, when the company is in excellent rank, the pleasure will be credit to Lee Chong Way who is the General Manager. The conclusion is the evaluation of general manager is based on the company performance. Question 4 What action can be taken to improve future performance of Marine Corp and its two subsidiaries? Prepare a report of your recommendations to be presented the chairman of the board. Based on analysis that we handle, it seems that company needs to improve their performance to sustain development in the future. It is due to poor management in handling economic earnings of the one of subsidiaries in the company. We would suggest some recommendation to the chairman, firstly; mission, vision and goal of a company would be the most important determination the establishment of the company. However the organization of the company (chairman) has to review back this goals, mission and vision and remind the entire organization so that they would not go far from the objectives and improve the performance of the company. Next, think strategically and identify key metrics. In fact, you cannot manage what you annot measure. It is important to recognize and having a very systematic plan for the next two, three, five and even ten year ahead in the future and how you will measure the performance. Besides, your company should create balance score card to your strategic performance. The Balanced Scorecard provided four frameworks that a company should be identified. There are financial, customers, innovation and growth and internal process. To summarize in easy to understand language: What are the key drivers of profit and performance from all the key areas of the organization? Long term profitability comes from understanding how key variables in the organization are interrelated. To increase long term profitability your company must determine what variables drive that performance. In addition, pay attention to best in class which is set up your benchmark. Even in a life of person, there should have a benchmark to make sure his life focus to achieve something. Same goes to a company. How do we stand up to the best in class? When benchmarking, as with the balanced scorecard, it is important to benchmark many facets of the company not just company profits and product performance. What are their customer service policies, product quality, and reward? Remember benchmarking is a fast track to high performance and profitability. This was Toyotas approach when they started. They are profitable enough that they could own the big 3 American motor companies. Moreover, the recommendations that can give to improve the companies is conduct research for example, when you need specific information and prospect that does not exist conduct your own primary research rather than copied others. When the company conduct the research, they can ensure the accuracy of their findings. In ddition, the companies should implement the SWOT analysis to measure their strength and weaknesses (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats). Other areas that need to be focus more is welfare of the employees where the manager has to meet employees welfare such SOCSO, EPF and others so that they can give fully commitment to doing their Job accordingly. By doing so, it can maintain professionalism and motivate labour forces. Besides, the companies should appoint employee that fulfil the requirement that have been set by the companies. It is because these employees are the key factor that will determine successful of the ompany. On the other hand, selections of best employees can avoid the company to have higher turnover. Furthermore, the company should focus on stakeholders retention because getting a new customers is five time more expensive than retaining a current one. So the company must provide better service to have customer satisfaction. In term of shareholders, the companies must delivering on advertising promises and develop return policy that with satisfied both parties for instance pay dividend to the shareholders. This situation might affect investment in the future as shareholders give their trust and confident to the company.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discussion questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Discussion questions - Essay Example Invalidity of this attributes may bring vast implications in an organization. For example, individual performs poorly may be punished by the supervisor who attributes poor performance with laziness. The problem may be caused by poor training and not lack of effort. Kelley’s model tries to explain how different people tend to understand the reasons behind certain behaviors that they have observed. This understanding can only be realized only if the external attributions are to be made when there is low consistency and the consensus and distinctiveness are high. On the other hand, for one to realize personal responsibility attribution consistency must be high and consensus and distinctiveness should be relatively low. Therefore, if a student tend to argue with the professor in class, it is essential to consider Kelley’s model so as to come up with an amicable solution to such a case. It is essential to try and understand the reason behind that student’s argument to make sure if there is any consistency in what that the student is doing. Formulating an attribute would minimize any chance of having a conflict. Managing diversity is necessary in every organization across the globe. However, quite a number of organizations are not conversant with managing diversity. This has caused many a lot of buriers especially when an organization tries to move forward with any diversity initiative. Some of these buriers include ethnocentrism, poor career planning, inaccurate stereotype and prejudice, and an unsupportive and hostile working environment for diverse employees. Such buriers can be avoided if managers of this organization can work extra hard in managing diversity. These managers should be on the forefront to show the rest of the team what should or should not be done so as to realize their goal in that organization. Doing this makes the employee has a positive thought about the whole idea of managing diversity and thus making the employee put all their energy and time in working together with their manager. The perceptions that people have been exceedingly influenced by the information that these people receive. Therefore, it is hard to have the same perception as compared to other people. The information that one receives is stored and processed and in return there is a certain reaction that follows. We are able to move forward in or day-to-day life by the decisions that we make and our behaviors. This knowledge of perception and how we behave is something to be highly considered at work places. Perception and managing diversity are two important subjects that go hand-in-hand. For an organization to manage diversity effectively, managers should portray a picture that will make other employees want to follow them. Employees tend to have a perception that they can relax at work especially if they see their manager doing the same thing. In order for one to realize his or her goals in life, it is essential to pursue the organi zational goals in a rational and logical manner. The level of intelligence that people has determined the outcome of work. To have a good relationship with both the manager and other staff it is essential to consider having more positive emotions rather than negative ones, for instance, when having a detrimental day at work especially when the manager puts a lot of pressure in your work,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

History of Washington State Wine industry and it's global future Research Paper

History of Washington State Wine industry and it's global future - Research Paper Example This will be followed by the global future of the industry. The Washington wine is produced from grapes grown in the Washington region and this industry ranks second in the overall production of wine, falling only second to California. The industry has seen immense growth and development and the number of vineyards has grown to over 30,000, which cater to the export needs to almost forty different countries from around the world. The main production of wine takes place in the eastern half of the state, and this half is desert like in nature. Irrigation and water rights are a major interest to the industry and this is solely due to the rain shadow of the Cascade regions (Matthews). Also the Viticulture of the state is also a result of the high levels of sunlight that the area receives. The wine industry was started way back in 1825, when the first wine grapes were planted by Hudson’s Bay Company at the Ford Vancouver. As time passed by 1910, the state saw a high level of increase in the growing of grapes across the state (Gregutt). The credits for pioneers of the plantations however go to the French, Italians and Germans. There were number of efforts for the Wine Projects from wine experts and historians like Ron Irvine and Dr. Walter Clore. These experts were the ones to start the early planting at Fort Vancouver. The year 1854 saw the hybrid varieties of grapes and these were got to the Puget Sound region. As time passed by 1860, wine grapes were being started to plant in the region of the Walla Walla valley. The early 1900s specifically around 1903, found a large number of irrigation projects that were developed. During this time there was a large melt down of the Cascade Mountains and this was a huge opportunity for the people as the soil in these areas was rich volcanic and the weather here was sunny and arid. It was now that the Yakima and Columbia regions also saw the plantations of Italian and German varieties. As time passed by this

Monday, November 18, 2019

Sales Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Sales Management - Essay Example ales representative, it is importance for a sales manager to take note of the situation and take charge in order to avoid losing customers simply because of a sales representative’s behavior. (Churchill, 2000). There are some basic steps that the sales manager can take in order to convert the sales person’s behavior from inacceptable to acceptable. (Johnston, Churchill, Marshall, Ford, Walker, 2005). Some of such steps are discussed below. The first and the foremost concern of a sales manager should be to understand what a sales representative’s actual problem is. (Forsyth, 2002). He should investigate to know why the sales person is behaving in that particular way. He should talk to the sales rep in detail in order to understand the underlying causes of his behavior. (Churchill, 2000). These causes might be psychological (e.g. inferiority complex, frustration, prejudices and biases based on cultural, ethnic, racial, national, religious or other differences, etc.), emotional, or some other causes (e.g. if the employee has a grudge against a particular customer, or the customer’s attitude towards the sales rep is inappropriate, etc.) (Hughes, McKee, Singler, 1999). Once the sales manager has a good knowledge of the sales person’s problems, he can sit with the sales rep and try to work out an appropriate solution. (Schwartz, 2006). For example, if the sales person has lack of motivation, the sales manager can help him boost his morale through various motivational exercises and techniques. (Spiro, 2003). Or if the sales person has time management issues, he should try and instill such qualities in him. The manager should try and convince the sales person that the customer is the king and even if the customer is wrong, the sales person should be polite with him and should extend respect towards the customer at all times. (Honeycutt, Ford, Simintiras, 2003). The manager needs to empathetic and polite while discussing the issue with the sales rep so that his

Friday, November 15, 2019

Sustainable Product Design And Materials Recycling Environmental Sciences Essay

Sustainable Product Design And Materials Recycling Environmental Sciences Essay Over the last three decades, environmental issues have become a significant concern for all societies. With growing awareness of environmental issues, for instance, Air Pollution, Global Warming, Water Pollution and Ozone Depletion, sustainability has been gaining increasing attention in recent years. (Roy, R. 2000) However, according to Tseng, M. et al. (2012), currently it is generally not sustainable that models of consumption and the Manufacturing systems which based on traditional activities and business technologies. Therefore, sustainability has captured the attentions of most designers, regardless of their specialism. In other word, designers have to consider the sustainable aspects of their practices in order to adapt to a sustainable future. The choice of recycled materials used to make product is important, allied with the way in which they are used. (Manheim, J. 2009) The literature review is based upon the examples from Internet and books that were found to have relevanc e to the topic of sustainable product design and recycled materials. And this literature review will aim to bring together the most key examples and developments in recycled materials and sustainable product design from recent years in order to establish what the present state of the art is. (G.D. Hatcher et al., 2011) In the final part, it will demonstrate the significance and limitations of sustainable product design made from recycled materials and from this provide suggestions as to where the research should go next. Sustainable product design and materials recycling A sustainable product design also known as eco-design, green design or design for environment, and it depends on two things: what types of designs are made, and in what quantity they are made (Matthew, S. and Andrew, S. 1997). In other words designing with recycled materials is actually depending on the type of waste objects that you have access to. While from the environment aspect, Lennart (2007) suggested that a sustainable product is a product, which will give as little impact on the environment as possible during its life cycle. And sustainable products applying environmental criteria aimed at the prevention of waste and emissions and the minimization of their environmental impact, along the material life cycle of the product. (Weenen, J. C., 1995) Sustainable product design can be characterized by several factors; for instance, recycling materials through the design for environment is one of key factors, which includes design for remanufacturing, design disassembly and for sust ainability. Employment of cleaner production principles of preventive strategy and source-oriented approaches are equally essential in sustainable design practices (Tseng, M. 2012). It is generally useful to define a sustainable product or at least to have some measures of degree of sustainability. It is agreed that the principles of eco-design can be considered the running of resources in the environment. Recycled materials include collecting a large number of already made products and materials from various sources and reducing them to other standardized raw materials objects; original product form and function is totally discarded or partial changed. The main consideration of sustainable product design made from recycled materials is to facilitate the reduction or changing process, and involves approaches such as (1) modifying the materials mix, (2) recycling for disassembly, (3) designing for recycling process compatibility, and (4) adopting materials coding systems. (Fuller, D.A. and Ottman, J.A. 2004) Designer and artist worked with recycled materials Julia Manheim is a famous designer and having gained an international for her work. In the early 1970s, her concern for the disposal of materials started and found that she was fond of collecting piles of Guardian newspapers and disliked anything to going to waste. (Manheim, J. 2009) She collected various waste materials in her life such as chocolate wrappers, burnt film, toothbrush heads, plastic carrier bags, etc. then made them into creative jewelries. Her research is about how to recycle existing materials in different approaches to give it a second life and a new meaning. Accordingly, this might be achieved by altering it, using it in different ways, cutting it up, adding to it, covering it up, or casting it in another recycled material. These are all methods of reusing and reinterpreting what is here already, rather than having to start from scratch. Also she started to develop a sensibility for looking at and seeking the potential in old product and then changed it into the ne w one. It seems that intervention can be minimal, and materials do not always need to undergo a total transformation to become to a new thing; they just require handling with sensitivity and an awareness of their inherent properties. The product made from recycled materials can be equally unusual and creative if the recycled elements are easily identifiable. It depends on how inventively the materials are reused and put together. (Lea, V. 1997) Fashion designers are also chasing this eco-trend, take Gary Harvey, for example, he can recycle waste materials from his life such as a piece of old jeans, newspapers, some trench coats, army jackets or wedding dresses and turn them into new amazing dresses with eco-conscious. Gary Harvey is the former Creative designer of Levi Strauss and Dockers Europe director for Levis. An impressive creation was made from cans, cardboard boxes and bottle tops. People admire him about designing a surprising dress made from old jeans, newspapers, or even juice packages. Some people may have a question about the wearability of a designing dress out of waste materials. However, this dress is an environmentally friendly dress, which people can be worn for special occasions. It will help people spread the information of helping the environment and with unique style. His most recycled materials were from everyday life which made me consider how everyday domestic objects, found around the house or at a local shop, can be used to make sustainable product. In addition, I started pay attention to the relationship between my recycled objects and fashion. The Nike shoes are successful example of an eco-design product which is environmentally and sustainably. Steve Nash who is the All-Star Guard for the Phoenix Suns and Nike has made up a team to produce the Nike Trash Talk, the first Nike performance basketball shoes completely produced from manufacturing waste materials. The emphasis of this design was aim to create a sustainable, high-performance basketball shoe. Nike used manufacturing waste materials, such as, leather materials and synthetic leather waste from the products factory floor for the upper replace using toxic adhesives; used zigzag stitching to sew the upper together. The mid-sole was made up of scrap-ground foam from factory production materials. Nike recycled waste materials from their own manufacturing-with a low-toxin, environmentally preferred rubber to make an outsole which contains 96% fewer toxins. Even the shoelaces and sock liners were made from environmentally preferred materials. Finally, the shoes were pack aged in a fully recycled cardboard shoebox. The company tends to encourage the designers to design more sustainable products. Significance and limitations Girlamy (2008) suggested that recycling materials and transforming them into new sustainable products is a win-win trend. Designers and artists who designing sustainable product out of recycled materials are taking an object at the end of its useful life and changing it into a helpful raw material to make another new object. (Manheim, J. 2009) As a consumer, you are helping the development of eco-friendly environment when you support businesses that remanufacture products such as clothing and furniture made from recycled materials. Scientists are finding our planets landfills are filling at an alarming rate; many of the landfills filled with waste materials will remain for thousands of years. As a consequence, it will be disastrous if we do not follow the trend of using sustainable product made from recycled materials. Material recycling reduces the demand for raw materials and thus protecting the environment and preserving resources. It reduces the pollution of air and water allied with energy usage. The consumer in turn is rewarded by gaining some products which are special and exquisite when they choose a sustainable product with recycled materials. This is because, products made from waste materials are often handcrafted and manufactured by a fair trade organization that provides a fair wage and favorable working conditions for their workers. But there are clearly very few truly sustainable designs. As discussed above, humans have received a considerable number of benefits from sustainable product design, and the demand for sustainability to designer is increasing. However, sustainable product design has its limitations. In particular, an eco-friendly advantageous change in one aspect of a Green design may have contrary environmental influences elsewhere in its life cycle which may outweigh any benefits. For example, the avoidance of potentially toxic materials may decrease a designs lifetime and therefore require it to be replaced more frequent, consequently, eco-designs may consume more energy and generate more pollution than it saves. (Roy, R. 2000) The designers should not only consider the sustainability in their design activities, but also need to grasp the economic, technical, social and cultural background of their designs in various areas. In other words, designers need to consider long-term benefits rather than current benefits. Sustainability should also be of concern not only to the designers, but also to every company or organization. This is because, sustainable product design is an integrated design process driven by whole-system thinking.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Vanguard Case Analysis Essay -- Business and Management Studies

Vanguard Case Analysis After reading through the Vanguard case, there were a few difficult forks in the road that Vanguard seems to be facing. The company’s future can be greatly affected by some of these difficult choices. Vanguard has to decide whether to change their investment offerings, further develop Internationally, or to simply advertise to increase their client base. Top managers at Vanguard have to step up to the plate and rollout detailed plans as to what path the company should take regarding some of these issues. Through our in-class discussions, the majority of the students argued on one major problem that Vanguard was facing. The problem entailed Vanguards ability to increase future customers without increasing costs. Markets are ever-changing, and the ability of companies to adapt to these changes is the key to survival. One company mentioned specifically in the case was Citigroup. Their ability to adapt to market changes and become a giant in the investments segment as a â€Å"one-stop financial supermarket† is a prime example. Should Vanguard take on this type of adaptation or stick to their current business objectives? One interesting quote Brennan in the case stated â€Å"In the future, nothing about Vanguard’s values will change,† but â€Å"everything about the way we do business must change.† With this in mind, the question is what must change for Vanguard to succeed and continue to earn revenue and gain customers without increasing costs? ...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Dehumanization Night Paper

Since such demutualization happened in the Holocaust, it is a big lesson to be learned an should be avoided in today's society. In the book, a character named Mosher the Beadle tells of his experience after being forced out of the Sighed. In the forest of Galatia near Oklahoma, the demand action starts. As Mosher tries to warn all Of the Jews after his miraculous reappearance he says, â€Å"Each one had to go up to the hole and present his neck. Babies were thrown into the air and t he machine gunners used them as targets† (Wisest 5).They were even forced to dig graves, only to be thrown into the holes as soon as they were done. Yet no one believed that any human could b e capable of omitting such a crime, and they all dismissed him as mad. Little to their UN deerstalking, it would all become so real to them in a matter of time. The second act of demutualization would be Weasel's experience in the Ghetto o. After a few days the Jews were told news of deportation. Day by day, a new street WA s forced out of Gray 2 their homes and into the Ghetto, being transferred to a concentration camp a after that.While they waited in the road to be moved into their new home, they craved nothing but water. In the reading it says, ‘Vide stayed sitting down in the middle of the road, as the the RSI had done the day fore yesterday. There was the same infernal heat. The same thirst. But there e was no longer anyone left to bring us water† (Wisest 14). They were given no water and little food, making it awfully hard for anyone to survive in the heat and all the while they sat guard De by Gestapo.After the horrible experience Wisest had in the Ghetto, only the worst was yet to come. The population of the Ghetto was soon liberated, boarding a train to Auschwitz z. Upon arrival, everyone soon came to the realization of what demutualization really is. One of the first people to figure it out was Lie's father as he said, â€Å"Humanity? Humanity is not concern Ned w ith us, Today anything is allowed. Anything is possible, even these crematories†¦ † (Wi sell 24). While walking throughout the camp, vulgar things such as the burning of children w ere sighted.The prisoners were forced to shave their heads, and a tattoo of a number was Eng raved upon their skin. With that new number, Wisest was no longer known as Lie but as prison ere AH. After going through the showers and the barber, the prisoners were introduced to t heir barracks which consisted of terrible sleeping conditions and little food. A few weeks later, the Jews had to go wrought a â€Å"selection† or survival of the fittest. Whoever was not strong enough h to go on was immediately sent to the crematory and not even given a second chance.If so none was too weak to run, they were not worthy to survive at all. Later on in the story the able prisoners are forced to evacuate from Auschwitz z, having to march many miles without rest and in freezing conditions. If one were t o fall d urinating run, he was immediately eliminated. After awhile, everyone who had survived so far was put on a train Gray 3 to travel to Glitziest. On the train, prisoners are left to fight for something so s all as a crumb of bread. Once arriving at their destination, the dead and weak were left on the t rain.Three days later, everyone went through another selection. Every time someone would a sky an AS Officer for food, they would be struck down by the blow of an object. If someone was day Eng, the other prisoners would steal his ration of bread and soup. No one would help the we AK become strong again. Throughout the entire story, there is a clear theme of demutualization and AR e many reasons why it should not happen again. From beginning with Mosher to the e ND of the war, Jews ere looked down upon and thought to be an unfit race in humanity.When Mosher the Beadle was first evacuated, a turn of events was set in motion. When the Jews were t awaken to the Ghetto, no one knew of what was to come and they thought it was maybe a new begin inning for the Jews. However as they grew closer to the concentration camp, reality began to set I n and everyone became worried. Farther along when they were being evacuated, their number RSI had dwindled and all the remaining prisoners were weakened and worn out. They had been Dee imagined from the first time they stepped out of their houses to begin the long journey through t e war.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Expert Interview with Colleen Georges on Resumes and Hiring

Expert Interview with Colleen Georges on Resumes and Hiring Dr. Colleen Georges is a professional psychologist who has focused her career on job seeking and writing the perfect resume. She’s a certified counselor, time management consultant, career coach, leadership expert, and if that weren’t enough, she runs Colleen’s Career Creations, a resume writing and job coaching service. Somehow, she found the time to speak with us about how to write the best possible resume. What are some common problems you see on resumes, and why do you think they persist?The two most prevalent issues I encounter with resumes are lack of a clear job target or career focus and documents that read like job task descriptions, rather than career achievement highlights. Fortunately, I see fewer and fewer resumes that begin with objective statements, which are generally unfocused and do little to separate one candidate’s value from another. However, I still see many resumes with summary of qualifications sections that are too vague or broad, or resumes that have no summary at all.What makes a strong resume?A strong resume needs to effectively brand professionals in their field of practice, and immediately showcase their professional title/job target, years of experience, specific expertise/hard skills and unique value propositions. Often, professionals believe that since this information is spread throughout their resume, there is no need to summarize and present it at the beginning. However, most recruiters and hiring managers today are flooded with hundreds of resumes and lack the time to read through every line of each document to determine which candidates have the requisite skills for the job. Thus, candidates can make recruiters’ and hiring managers’ lives easier by summarizing this information in a strong branding statement right at the beginning of the resume in a 10- to 15-second read.More importantly, job seekers can do themselves a wealth of good by following their branding statement with a sect ion that showcases five to seven of their proudest career achievements. Such a section should highlight accomplishments that demonstrate a broad spectrum of skill sets that are relevant to their target field. This can be done by underscoring the quantitative and qualitative results of their work, such as costs cut, revenue generated, time saved, customer satisfaction increased, errors decreased, manuals written, policies and procedures developed, training instituted and so forth.Even more effective, a career achievements section can outline the story behind the outcomes, in a bite-sized, bulleted Challenge, Actions, Results format. By nature, people learn and understand people best through their unique stories, which is why interviewers often ask candidates to discuss times when they have performed a particular action. Articulating stories, both on a resume and in an interview, demonstrates to an employer that the candidate is purposeful in their actions and both understands and can articulate their process. Furthermore, this section backs up the skills the job seeker presents in their branding statement.Many job seekers do not include career achievement sections because they believe the time to share this information will be during the interview. In this competitive job market, however, without sharing these successes on a resume, an interview may never come. Yet most commonly, the reason for this lack of information on job seekers’ resumes is because from the time we are children, we are taught not to brag about our accomplishments, as others may find us obnoxious. Over the years, this lesson makes it progressively more challenging to acknowledge our accomplishments to ourselves, nonetheless an audience. However, when job seeking, emphasizing our unique talents and successes is critical, and thus we must unlearn the lesson, at least in this arena.What can job boards do to help job seekers write a better resume?A number of job boards are already provid ing resources to job seekers, such as resume critiques and tips. However, a wonderful resource would be to not only suggest providing branding statements and achievement stories, but to offer suggested skills required by various career fields, as well as common deliverables for these fields. For example, an accountant might need skills like variance analysis, bank reconciliation, and audit preparation, and common deliverables may be decreasing risk exposure, diminishing accounting errors and automating processes. Sometimes the hardest part of resume writing is getting started in figuring what skills and accomplishments to highlight. Resources like this may help job seekers brainstorm.What are some red flags we might accidentally put up on a resume or say during an interview?The most common red flags on resumes are generally items that point to age, which can unfortunately lead to age discrimination in some cases. I typically suggest that my clients represent that last 15-20 years of their career and leave off college graduation dates that go further back than 20 years. Furthermore, computer skills that are very dated, like DOS for example, should be left off. I also suggest eliminating AOL email accounts as well, since it is remembered to be a part of the advent of the internet, and the â€Å"dial-up† days. I typically advise clients to get a Gmail account. It is most certainly the â€Å"in† email, forever evolving in its capabilities.In both resumes and interviews, I also advise my clients not to draw attention to job gaps by stating that they were terminated or took a leave due to illness, an accident or a family-related situation. This information can inadvertently lead to fear that such issues may arise again in the future and negatively impact employment if hired.How can employers write job postings to let employees know what they’re looking for? Is it just some requirements, or can they convey a culture in a posting?I am always of th e belief that with job postings, the more detail, the better. With detail, the employer is less likely to attract candidates who lack the requisite experience and skills. As a resume writer, I love job postings that break tasks into umbrella categories and provide the specific accountability within them. This enables me to pull out the candidate’s relevant skills and accomplishments and match them to the posting. When utilized by employers, applicant tracking systems are scanning for this type of skill match, so it works to both the employer’s and candidate’s advantage for employers to offer detailed job descriptions in postings.Conveying corporate culture would be a fantastic advantage to both employer and candidate. Employers can weed out receiving resumes from candidates who may not be a great fit, and candidates can avoid wasting energy applying for a job that will not suit their work style and values.What do you wish everyone, from recruiters to job seekers , knew about resumes?This is a great question, and not an easy one to answer. I would say that I wish recruiters, employers and job seekers recognized that a resume is meant to be a job seeker’s marketing document. Like any marketing collateral, it should showcase the best of who the candidate is. Sometimes, recruiters and employers get frustrated because they later learn that a candidate left off a short-term job, for example. Similarly, candidates occasionally fear leaving off a short-term position because their omission may be â€Å"caught.† There is a staunch difference between omitting a career blip and, say, creating a position you never had on your resume. Candidates should never lie on a resume – this is a matter of ethics and integrity. Marketing documents are created to describe a product’s attributes. No product or person is perfect, but all have their own uniquely fantastic qualities. With this said, the resume is the prelude to the interview. The interview is where candidate and employer see if those unique attributes and the company’s position, team and culture collectively create the right synergy.How will technology change the resume? Will we see more links? Videos? Gimmicks?Technology is absolutely changing resumes in a wonderful way. We can now make our resumes come alive by linking them to our online articles, interviews, features, video presentations, documents, artistic endeavors or similar media. We can also create web resumes and create social media profiles that give recruiters and employers a wider window into who we are, not just what we have done. We can now show employers, in action, what we bring to the table.Yet technology has indeed amplified the pressure for job seekers. I now tell my job-seeking clients that they must be on LinkedIn. It’s not a luxury anymore – for recruiters and hiring managers in most industries, it’s seen as a necessity. Those who are not on LinkedIn ca n be viewed as lacking social media savvy, which is a career no-no. But it’s not just about being on LinkedIn, it’s about using all its resources. Recruiters and hiring managers can gather additional information about candidates from LinkedIn through recommendations and group membership and activity. I do a lot of one-on-one client coaching and group workshops on optimally leveraging LinkedIn and other social media like Twitter and Facebook. Some of this coaching involves what to post and what not to post, how to set privacy settings and simply how to use all the features of the various social media to the job seeker’s advantage.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Reaching Readers Through Wattpad and Blog Tours

Reaching Readers Through Wattpad and Blog Tours Reaching Readers through Wattpad and Blog Tours - An Interview with Indie Author Chele Cooke It’s no secret that the main challenge for all authors out there (except the bestselling ones) is visibility. â€Å"How can I reach readers?† is a question that comes up again and again†¦ Of course, there’s no one answer, but there are a lot of opportunities out there, a lot of different paths you can try out to reach different audiences.When interviewing speculative fiction indie author and ALLi member Chele Cooke, we decided to focus on two of them that she’s been using: Wattpad and blog tours. She might not yet be a bestselling author like some of our previous â€Å"guests†, but she has explored different paths that are worth mentioning, and has the right mindset when coming to marketing: it’s something to have fun with!For the lovers of the written word, we’ve provided a transcript below. But I recommend just plugging in your headphones and plunging into this joyful chat we had, as we didn’t transcribe quite everything! You can also join us directly on the Hangout here!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Buddhism And The Reductionist Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 11250 words

Buddhism And The Reductionist Approach - Essay Example In the context of religion, Eliade saw religion as an entity that is autonomous and special, that it cannot be reduced mainly to the spheres of the social, economic and psychological spheres. Based upon his approach to everything that is sacred, Eliade has stated that there’s something special and unique about the religious experience. The religious ritual of Perahera is a ceremonial religious experience. It is one of the biggest Buddhist celebrations of the year and it is a ritual where devotees get together and pray for the rains to fall bountifully so that they will be able to cultivate their crops. It is a ceremony that is no more than a grand parade, wherein the sacred tooth, which is one of the most precious and sacred relics of Buddhism, is removed from the Temple of the Tooth and is paraded through the streets of the various cities of Sri Lanka, along with the Kandy Perahera. Following the Kandy perahera are several other festive events and included among the crowds wh o are following the Kandy perahera will also be jugglers, dancers, and fire breathers. It is an experience that is profoundly moving for most of the devotees who follow in the parade and they express their devotion and religious solidarity by following the Kandy Perahera. Pirith chanting is also an essential part of the Buddhist religious dharma. Music is believed to be closely related to physical health so that the chanting of pirith is believed to have a very soothing effect. Chanting of the pirith is also believed to invoke the blessings of the gods. Thus, it may be noted that there are very strong spiritual and religious connotations associated with both of these religious ceremonies, which are an essential part of Buddhism.  

Friday, November 1, 2019

Conflict of Interest Becomes Key Issue in Public Sector Research Paper

Conflict of Interest Becomes Key Issue in Public Sector - Research Paper Example Conflict of Interest becomes a key issue in Public Sector. Chapter 7 Title 59 of the Idaho State’s Code specifically states the conflict of interest occurs when any official or administrative action, decision or recommendation by any person in relation to ones’ official duty as a public officer that would generate economic gain of the person or member of the public officer’s family members, or a business owned, whether partially or wholly, by the public officer. The code specifically states that the public officer shall not use one’s office to enrich oneself. For example, the police officer shall not receive money in exchange for not giving a parking ticket. The judge shall not receive gifts in exchange for winning a case filed under the judge’s courtroom. In addition, the fireman shall not receive cash in exchange for prioritizing the saving of one’s home over the other homes in the community. Likewise, the government construction engineer s hall not receive cash or other gifts from the suppliers in exchange for winning a government contract. ( Exceptions to the Conflict of Interest Rule. However, there are exceptions that would prevent the public officer’s action or inaction from being classified as conflict of Interest. One example is when the law requires the public officer to pursue the action or inaction. ... ic officer’s legal salaries, wages, and other benefits) on the public officer as that of a substantial group of persons engaging in the same profession, trade, or occupation. Further, the public officer can act or not act on any transaction if the public officer or any member of his family is a director, owner, officer, or partner employee owns stocks in the benefiting organization amounting to $ 5,000 or less. Lastly, another example is when the public officer’s action or inaction in relation tax imposition will have the same effect on the public officer and the general public. ( Ethics in Government. All government employees must comply with government ethics policies. The †¦ states that a public officer who is a noncareer officer or employee working on a government position with the rank of GS-15 or the General Schedule, or if not found under the General Schedule, has a ba sic salary rate equal to or more than 120 percent of the minimum rate of basic pay for a GS- 15 of the General Schedule, in any one accounting year, should not receive outside remuneration exceeding fifteen percent of the annual basic pay for level II of the Executive Schedule under Section 5313 Title 5 of the United States Code starting January 1, 1978. Likewise, the law allows the public’s giving of charitable institution on behalf of the public officer provided the amount is equal to $2,000 or less in any given accounting year. However, the public’s giving of charitable contributions to any charitable organization where the public officer or any of his family members will have economic gain, whether directly or indirectly. ( Further, the same website

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Human Resource Management - Essay Example This results effective staffing decisions and processes which leads to better performance of the employees. The overall purpose of developing HR policies is to ensure that organization is efficiently able to achieve short term as well as long term goals through its employees rather than technology advancement. Many organizations believe that concentrating on the development of technology is more beneficial for the productivity of the organization rather to concentrate on the effective employee management. But effective use of technology is more important than adopting the same and it needs recruitment and selection of efficient people for the organization (Armstrong, 2006, p.9). Management of human capital is done through five different stages. Human resource policies is effectively designed so that implementation of the policies in these five stages of human management can be efficiently to better performance of the employees as well as for the better productivity of the organizatio n. These stages are planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. Planning is the first stage of human capital management and it develop the organizational structure and find valuable sources from where the organization can get efficient people through a cost effective process of recruitment (Barney & Wright, 1997, p.4). Effective design and application of policies in HR planning, recruitment and selections and their contributions towards effective staffing decisions and organizational effectiveness and decisions making- Critical Evaluation HR planning and systems can have a wide variety of implications in organizations and organizational effectiveness. In the modern society planning and efficiency accounts for some of the prerequisites for organizational effectiveness and performance. In fact all of the HR activities in an organization depend largely on HR planning which subsequently reflects through organizational performance and productivity. Researchers have provided with data and information with regards to the correlation between recruitment and selection procedure and candidates’ competence in organizations which leads to greater creative works, greater collaboration of activities and performance progress in the organization. Research scholars have out forth the fact that through the application of appropriate HR planning systems organizations can effectively influence the actions and contributions of employees and generate their social capital as the potential source of competitive advantage (Mossholder, Richardson & Settoon, 2011, p.34). However, HR systems have largely been restricted to their connections with organizational outcomes and not with individual level behaviors. That is why researchers have increasingly called for the need for understanding HR planning and its influence on employees, inter-relationships between them and performance (Mossholder, Richardson & Settoon, 2011, p.34). Researchers have specifically focused on t he role of HR planning on a firm’s competitive advantage. According to the views of Barney (1995), three basic resources can provide competitive advan

Monday, October 28, 2019

Patient Safety and Quality Essay Example for Free

Patient Safety and Quality Essay The nurse involved with the caring for this family needs to be open to facts of the situation at hand by realizing that it is going to be a period of stress on Susie. At the same time, the goal is to make sure that Susie prioritizes her daily activities which will involve all three of caring for her children, taking in the additional demands of assisting her mother and promoting her health, and of course making sure her career is also focused on. As it is, Susie is overwhelmed and the nurse will need to help the family overcome any additional stress points as well as the specific illness related to her mother and so the nurse will prioritize as well. Since Susie seems to manage the household, the nurse will need to make her the key point of contact with the steps involved with making sure the family stays healthy during this period of additional anxiety. As it has happened now with her mother coming in to the family, she will need to adapt to a new lifestyle that has new demands of caretaking as described in the family structural theory. Family structural theory is a theory where a family is an open and social cultural system, which reacts and adapts to the demands placed (Grand Canyon University). This theory would be best applied by the nurse recognizing the rules and roles the family currently has and how they will need to change to encourage health promotion. Developmental stages give opportunities to family members to realize their potential (Edelman Mandle, 2010). With the children also being a priority to take care, Stage four of the Family Developmental Theory will be applied. Perhaps the nurse will need to better understand through Susie what the latter’s keys to success have been from Stage 1-3 to better help take care of the kids through this. Through these types of conversations, the nurse can help promote health throughout their family by better understanding how the cope with particular situations and helping apply new methods of care. Health promotion can best be accomplished when the nurse focuses on Susie first and then the rest of the family so that Susie can also take care of the family. Health education includes all family members, with learning activities according to each individual. General teaching goal will be same but the approaches and specific goals will be different for each family member. A nurse will have to provide different teaching to each family member. To promote health for Mrs. Jones, nurse can make a plan explaining how Mrs. Jones need to function at her highest level of capacity physically, psychologically, culturally, and spiritually. To promote Susie’s health, nurse will have to educate her on social roles, financial and occupational responsibilities, and reassessing life goals. School aged children health can be promoted by educating on staying away from harmful and unsafe environments such as drug and alcohol abuse. Also, allowing school aged children participate in family conversations and allowing them to speak increases their self-esteem which can be beneficial to Susie to decrease stress. References Edelman, C., Mandle, C. L. (2010). Health promotion throughout the life span (7th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. â€Å"The Form and Function of The Family.† (2011). Grand Canyon Universtiy, Phoenix, AZ.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Satire, Humor, and Shock Value in Swifts A Modest Proposal Essay

Satire, Humor, and Shock Value in Swifts' A Modest Proposal Swift's message to the English government in "A Modest Proposal" deals with the disgusting state of the English-Irish common people. Swift, as the narrator expresses pity for the poor and oppressed, while maintaining his social status far above them. The poor and oppressed that he refers to are Catholics, peasants, and the poor homeless men, women, and children of the kingdom. This is what Swift is trying to make the English government, in particular the Parliament aware of; the great socioeconomic distance between the increasing number of peasants and the aristocracy, and the effects thereof. Swift conveys his message in a brilliant essay, in which he uses satire, humor and shock value. Swift pursues his main point in the first paragraph: It is a melancholy object to those who walk through [Dublin] . . .when they see . . .beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags and importuning every passenger for an alms. These mothers instead of being able to work for their honest livelihood, are forced to employ all their time in strolling to beg sustenance for their helpless infants, who, as they grow up, either turn thieves for want of work or fight for the Pretender in Spain. (2181) The last statement regarding the Pretender in Spain is a stab at Catholicism, the Pretender, being the Catholic James II, claimant to the English crown. In fact, Catholics are the butt of many sardonic jokes in the essay. ... ...and hammering the "condemning social statement" into the reader. Swift goes beyond just describing the socioeconomic distance between the aristocracy and the poor. He goes beyond showing the deplorable state of the country. Swift clearly shows the ludicrous nature of the society in which he lived, the feudal system, religious conflicts, the lack of social mobility, the aristocracy, and overpopulation. In condemning Catholics, he is condemning the Irish. In making the Irish out to be a problem that can be solved by this proposal, he shows his disapproval of English involvement in Irish affairs, and furthermore, the expanding British Empire. Thus "A Modest Proposal" does not present an answer to the societal problems of its day, but ultimately raises more questions. Not questions of fact, but questions of a profound socio-philosophical nature.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Shakespeares Macbeth - Persuasiveness of Lady Macbeth :: Free Essay Writer

The Persuasiveness of Lady Macbeth  Ã‚   When considering a dilemma, we usually turn towards those we love for advice, since they are the ones to whom we listen. In William Shakespears' Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is greatly responsible for the killing of King Duncan. Lady Macbeth reveals her secret evil nature, which pushes her towards her evil doings. Once Macbeth learns his prophecy to be king, she immediately convinces and persuades Macbeth into following her plan. Towards the end, when the crimes have been committed, Lady Macbeth shows weakness and guilt for her evil deeds. Lady Macbeth expresses a hidden evil throughout the play. Behind closed doors, she shows her evil by voicing her heartless phrases to herself. She shows she has no love but for her evil and knows no bounderies when it comes to having her way. "That I may pour my spirits in thine ear" Shows that Lady Macbeth knows that she is evil and is wishing that she could share her evil with Macbeth. "Make thick my blood, Stop up th' Access and Passage to remorse." Expresses Lady Macbeth wanting more evil and is asking for her blood to stop the passage through her heart, so she can continue her evil ways without any remorse or guilt. Although Lady Macbeth is evil, she knows well not to convey this trait to the public, but to be pleasant and sweet to the king and others. Once Macbeth is told his prophecy of being king by the witches, he soon writes a letter to his wife explaining his newly found future, hoping to find some advice in return. Instead, Lady Macbeth quickly begins to think how life could be greater if he were king now. She then persuades Macbeth into killing King Duncan. "And to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man." says Lady Macbeth, trying to change her husbands mind. She shows Macbeth that if they follow her plan exactly and show remorse for the kings' death. They would not fail, "Who dares receive it other, As we shall make our greifs and clamor roar upon his death?" Towards the end of the play, Lady Macbeth shows weakness and guilt for her evil plans, and begins to go crazy. "Out damned spot! Out, I say!" " Who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him" "The Thane of Fife had a wife.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Chronic disease

Phoenix Material Chronic Disease Resource Guide Imagine that a family member or friend, with a chronic disease, has asked for your help finding resources available to help him or her with the disease. Use the table below to compile a list and explanation of at least five resources available for your family member or friend. Your Assigned Disease: Your Assigned Location: Cancer Georgia Resource: Explanation: John B.Amos Cancer Center This center is here to promote health and healing to all cancer patients. The center offers different services such as, clinical research, gynecologist/medical/radiation oncology, and robotic thoracic surgery. Http://www. Calumniation's. Com/ Chlorofluorocarbons. Asps? ND=1802 Cancer Support Community In Atlanta This group is here for support for cancer patients and their families. Besides support, the group offers classes, information, education programs, stress activities, and fun activities. Http://cancersupportcommunityatlanta. Org/home. PH Perimeter Church This is a cancer support group that provides a safe environment which a person with cancer or their loved ones can share prayer requests and concerns about the Illness. It's also a place to talk with other survivors and learn to live life with purpose. Http:// www. Perimeter. Org/pages/add-l-enlistees/support-groups/cancer-support-group/ This group is here to support cancer patients through the grace and love of Jesus Christ.Through the community resources, they are here to help patients' everyday hysterical and spiritual needs by, helping provide food, prescriptions, and necessities. The volunteers also offer other services, such as hospital visits, errand running, and shuttle service. Http://counterparts. Com/ Atlanta Cancer Care The SAC can deal with one cancer needs. The facility has different caregiver and support information for one with cancer or to help the loved ones cope with it. The facility also has plenty of resources. Http://www. Teleconference. Com/Home. Asps

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps OROTC Program Essay Example

Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps OROTC Program Essay Example Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps OROTC Program Essay Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps OROTC Program Essay The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps OROTC program can be a Journey of life changing experiences that can and will build character and leadership. I am currently a freshman and I am enrolled in the JROTC program at Boca Ciega High School, and at first I wasnt sure what to expect and who I would encounter. Throughout my year so far being a cadet, I am being challenged physically, mentally, and emotionally. But I was able to learn more about teamwork and leadership through this short span. The curriculum consists of practical exercises that directly target an individuals leadership and character. JROTC has taught me what I would not have learned in any other class in high school. Older cadets have overcome fears and have formed lifelong friendships and unforgettable memories. And I do intend on being like my role models in this program. Overall, they have found that JROTC has molded a sense of character within them Just it has for me. JROTC unque because it uses a clear chain of command that consists of the students (cadets) themselves. The fact that the organization is cadet-run is great, because it gives us the independence for us to make decisions that impact us directly and because of that, we are free to make the organization our own. Personally, I gained more confidence, better people skills, great grammar, how to talk in a large number of groups, and personality. JROTC brings out the best in me and my fellow cadets because of the high level of maturity expected of them from the instructors and the huge student participation in running the program. The program also prepares us or life after high school, helping us to learn our personality types and how to interact with other types. We also learned to respect ourselves and others when wearing uniform and when we are not. We learn to step outside our comfort zone and become acquainted with the world around us; the world we are to survive in after graduation. Our JROTC instructors help us to learn what life may bring us after we may not see them again. And as for my opinion on my instructors, I have to say that I have enormous amount of respect for who they are and what they did.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Samuel Johnsons Essay on the Decay of Friendship

Samuel Johnsons Essay on the Decay of Friendship For more than three years British author, poet, and lexicographer Samuel Johnson almost single-handedly wrote and edited a biweekly journal, The Rambler. After completing his master work, A Dictionary of the English Language, in 1755, he returned to journalism by contributing essays and reviews to the Literary Magazine and The Idler, where the following essay first appeared. Of the innumerable causes of decayed or destroyed friendships, Johnson examines five in particular. The Decay of Friendship from The Idler, Number 23, September 23, 1758 by Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) Life has no pleasure higher or nobler than that of friendship. It is painful to consider that this sublime enjoyment may be impaired or destroyed by innumerable causes, and that there is no human possession of which the duration is less certain. Many have talked in very exalted language, of the perpetuity of friendship, of invincible constancy, and unalienable kindness; and some examples have been seen of men who have continued faithful to their earliest choice, and whose affection has predominated over changes of fortune, and contrariety of opinion. But these instances are memorable, because they are rare. The friendship which is to be practiced or expected by common mortals, must take its rise from mutual pleasure, and must end when the power ceases of delighting each other. Many accidents therefore may happen by which the ardor of kindness will be abated, without criminal baseness or contemptible inconstancy on either part. To give pleasure is not always in our power; and little does he know himself who believes that he can be always able to receive it. Those who would gladly pass their days together may be separated by the different course of their affairs; and friendship, like love, is destroyed by long absence, though it may be increased by short intermissions. What we have missed long enough to want it, we value more when it is regained; but that which has been lost till it is forgotten, will be found at last with little gladness, and with still less if a substitute has supplied the place. A man deprived of the companion to whom he used to open his bosom, and with whom he shared the hours of leisure and merriment, feels the day at first hanging heavy on him; his difficulties oppress, and his doubts distract him; he sees time come and go without his wonted gratification, and all is sadness within, and solitude about him. But this uneasiness never lasts long; necessity produces expedients, new amusements are discovered, and new conversation is admitted. No expectation is more frequently disappointed, than that which naturally arises in the mind from the prospect of meeting an old friend after long separation. We expect the attraction to be revived, and the coalition to be renewed; no man considers how much alteration time has made in himself, and very few inquire what effect it has had upon others. The first hour convinces them that the pleasure which they have formerly enjoyed, is forever at an end; different scenes have made different impressions; the opinions of both are changed; and that similitude of manners and sentiment is lost which confirmed them both in the approbation of themselves. Friendship is often destroyed by opposition of interest, not only by the ponderous and visible interest which the desire of wealth and greatness forms and maintains, but by a thousand secret and slight competitions, scarcely known to the mind upon which they operate. There is scarcely any man without some favorite trifle which he values above greater attainments, some desire of petty praise which he cannot patiently suffer to be frustrated. This minute ambition is sometimes crossed before it is known, and sometimes defeated by wanton petulance; but such attacks are seldom made without the loss of friendship; for whoever has once found the vulnerable part will always be feared, and the resentment will burn on in secret, of which shame hinders the discovery. This, however, is a slow malignity, which a wise man will obviate as inconsistent with quiet, and a good man will repress as contrary to virtue; but human happiness is sometimes violated by some more sudden strokes. A dispute begun in jest upon a subject which a moment before was on both parts regarded with careless indifference, is continued by the desire of conquest, till vanity kindles into rage, and opposition rankles into enmity. Against this hasty mischief, I know not what security can be obtained; men will be sometimes surprised into quarrels; and though they might both haste into reconciliation, as soon as their tumult had subsided, yet two minds will seldom be found together, which can at once subdue their discontent, or immediately enjoy the sweets of peace without remembering the wounds of the conflict. Friendship has other enemies. Suspicion is always hardening the cautious, and disgust repelling the delicate. Very slender differences will sometimes part those whom long reciprocation of civility or beneficence has united. Lonelove and Ranger retired into the country to enjoy the company of each other, and returned in six weeks, cold and petulant; Rangers pleasure was to walk in the fields, and Loneloves to sit in a bower; each had complied with the other in his turn, and each was angry that compliance had been exacted. The most fatal disease of friendship is gradual decay, or dislike hourly increased by causes too slender for complaint, and too numerous for removal. Those who are angry may be reconciled; those who have been injured may receive a recompense: but when the desire of pleasing and willingness to be pleased is silently diminished, the renovation of friendship is hopeless; as, when the vital powers sink into languor, there is no longer any use of the physician. Other Essays by Samuel Johnson: On the Style of Jonathan SwiftConversationThe Bugbear StyleAn Encomium on Sleep The Decay of Friendship, by Samuel Johnson, was first published in The Idler, September 23, 1758.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Cut Flower Preservative Recipes

Cut Flower Preservative Recipes You know if you put fresh cut flowers in water it will help keep them from wilting. If you have a packet of cut flower preservative from a florist or the store, it will help the flowers to stay fresh much longer. You can make cut flower preservative yourself, however. There are several good recipes, made using common household ingredients. Keys to Keeping Cut Flowers Fresh Give them water.Give them food.Protect them from decay or infection.Keep them cool and out of direct sunlight. The floral preservative provides flowers with water and food and contains a disinfectant to prevent bacteria from growing. Making sure your vase is clean will also help. Try to minimize air circulation, since it speeds evaporation and can dehydrate your flowers. Preparing the Flowers Start by discarding any decaying leaves or flowers. Trim the bottom ends of your flowers with a clean, sharp blade before arranging them in the vase containing the floral preservative. Cut the stems at an angle to increase the surface area for water and to prevent the ends from resting flat on the bottom of the container. The Water In all cases, mix the floral preservative using warm water (100-110 F or 38-40 C) because it will move into the stems more effectively than cold water. Clean tap water will work, but if it is very high in salts or fluorides, consider using distilled water instead. Chlorine in tap water  is fine since it acts as a natural disinfectant. Recipe 1 2 cups lemon-lime carbonated beverage (e.g., Sprite or 7-Up)1/2 teaspoon household chlorine bleach2 cups warm water Recipe 2 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice1 tablespoon sugar1/2 teaspoon household chlorine bleach1 quart warm water Recipe 3 2 tablespoons white vinegar2 tablespoons sugar1/2 teaspoon household chlorine bleach1 quart warm water More Tips Trim away any foliage which would be below the water line. The wet leaves encourage microbial growth that can rot your flowers.Remove any unnecessary leaves because they will accelerate dehydration of the flowers.Flowers with milky latexs of these flowers include poinsettia, heliotrope, hollyhock, euphorbia, and poppy. The sap is meant to prevent water loss by the stem, but in a cut flower, it keeps the plant from absorbing water. You can prevent this problem by dipping the bottom tips (~1/2 inch) of the stems in boiling water for about 30 seconds or by flashing the tips of the stems with a lighter or other flame.