Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Is The Thought Of Mind Control Of People - 848 Words

Some people believe there are conspiracies out there. If you go around and ask random people about certain conspiracies they will say one of three things: â€Å" I have never heard of this event.†, â€Å"That event never happened. That does not even sound realistic.†, or â€Å" This event definitely did occur. You just do not see any proof because the government destroyed all proof and paperwork.† People will naturally have different opinions. I believe these events have to exist. There are too many cover ups and boring actions in life for there not to be anything out there that is not true, even if it does sound weird, such as the Project Monarch coverup. Threw the history, why the â€Å"mind control† was implemented, and the stages. I do believe. Project Monarch is the believed mind control of people. In the beginning the concept of mind control can be traced back to Egypt, Greece, India and Babylon; especially back to Egypt from the source called the Book of the Dead. In the book the details have been revealed of torture, using drugs, and hypnotism. From there on the concept of mind control has been used widely, such as â€Å"During the 13th Century, the Roman Catholic church increased and solidified its dominion throughout Europe with the infamous Inquisition.† ( Patton Operation Monarch ) The most famous usage was during WWII. Multiple scientist such as Dr. Joseph Mengele or Dr. Green, he was also nicknamed the Angel of Death. â€Å" he is infamous for his sordid human experiments onShow MoreRelatedManipulation Of Power In George Orwells 1984 By George Orwell779 Words   |  4 Pages Manipulation of the Mind After capturing Winston Smith for thought crime, O’Brien describes real power as â€Å"tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your choosing† (Orwell 266). By this he explains that true power is being able to choose what people minds think. 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Orwell describes the ruler of this government, Big Brother, as having complete, despotic control over his subjects, including complete control over the media. While it is true most people are heavily influenced by the media, outright control can only be achieved over a collective consciousness, not the minds of individuals. Whoever controls theRead MoreWho Holds The Clicker, By Susan Blackmore1421 Words   |  6 Pages Mind control is the shaping of attitudes, beliefs and that can be simply defined as the manipulation of one’s thoughts to process. People are aware of what makes them happy and what makes them sad by controlling their thoughts and emotions. They ho pe to change the environment they are in or become familiar with being able to adapt the situations. 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Hope comes to a man named Winston, the protagonist, a lone man who secretly opposes the manipulation of the mind. After the plot unravels, Winston begins to show his opposition against the party. The party controls everything in the society and puts everything the way they want it to be, endlessly reminding people that theyRead MoreA Mystery Of Heroism By Stephen Crane And Edwin Arlington Robinson1168 Words   |  5 PagesMeyer once said, â€Å"If you don’t learn to control your thoughts, you will never learn how to control your behavior.† Lack of control over one’s thought can lead to ruinous behavior. People have been exploring the human behavior for the past centuries due to the major effects behavior and life events have on an individual. In the 1800s, naturalism, a literary movement, explored â€Å"human instincts and behavior† (433) and â€Å"examined the society that conditioned people to turn out as they did† (443). 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He wrote down, â€Å"Down with Big Brother.† This determined, bold declaration indicates that his diary would become the repository for everyone who has rebellious thoughts like Winston since he believes â€Å"If there is hope, it lies with the proles.† Even if this consequence comes to his death by the Party, his diary can trigger people to contemplate rebellion and inspire the future in which they all have the freedom to think, write, read, and live regarding concerning their desire. Such his intelligentRead More1984 Literary Analysis Essay1380 Words   |  6 Page sThe Nature of Control Is it the common human nature to feel power over others? A totalitarian government seeks to utilize its message of confinement and authority to control the many aspects of life. In the novel 1984, Orwell portrays totalitarianism through psychological manipulation, physical control and the control of language. The totalitarian party manipulates and invalidates the minds of the outer party and proles. Orwell describes the surroundings of Winston, showing totalitarianism, writing:

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