Friday, November 1, 2019

Conflict of Interest Becomes Key Issue in Public Sector Research Paper

Conflict of Interest Becomes Key Issue in Public Sector - Research Paper Example Conflict of Interest becomes a key issue in Public Sector. Chapter 7 Title 59 of the Idaho State’s Code specifically states the conflict of interest occurs when any official or administrative action, decision or recommendation by any person in relation to ones’ official duty as a public officer that would generate economic gain of the person or member of the public officer’s family members, or a business owned, whether partially or wholly, by the public officer. The code specifically states that the public officer shall not use one’s office to enrich oneself. For example, the police officer shall not receive money in exchange for not giving a parking ticket. The judge shall not receive gifts in exchange for winning a case filed under the judge’s courtroom. In addition, the fireman shall not receive cash in exchange for prioritizing the saving of one’s home over the other homes in the community. Likewise, the government construction engineer s hall not receive cash or other gifts from the suppliers in exchange for winning a government contract. ( Exceptions to the Conflict of Interest Rule. However, there are exceptions that would prevent the public officer’s action or inaction from being classified as conflict of Interest. One example is when the law requires the public officer to pursue the action or inaction. ... ic officer’s legal salaries, wages, and other benefits) on the public officer as that of a substantial group of persons engaging in the same profession, trade, or occupation. Further, the public officer can act or not act on any transaction if the public officer or any member of his family is a director, owner, officer, or partner employee owns stocks in the benefiting organization amounting to $ 5,000 or less. Lastly, another example is when the public officer’s action or inaction in relation tax imposition will have the same effect on the public officer and the general public. ( Ethics in Government. All government employees must comply with government ethics policies. The †¦ states that a public officer who is a noncareer officer or employee working on a government position with the rank of GS-15 or the General Schedule, or if not found under the General Schedule, has a ba sic salary rate equal to or more than 120 percent of the minimum rate of basic pay for a GS- 15 of the General Schedule, in any one accounting year, should not receive outside remuneration exceeding fifteen percent of the annual basic pay for level II of the Executive Schedule under Section 5313 Title 5 of the United States Code starting January 1, 1978. Likewise, the law allows the public’s giving of charitable institution on behalf of the public officer provided the amount is equal to $2,000 or less in any given accounting year. However, the public’s giving of charitable contributions to any charitable organization where the public officer or any of his family members will have economic gain, whether directly or indirectly. ( Further, the same website

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