Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Threat Of Military Expenditure Is Not The Only Thing...

History has proven that humankind will always battle. Since the biblical times, war has been one of the most prevalent traits of the human race. With respect to spending in the military, it is vital to note that ‘eternal vigilance is the only thing that keeps us safe’ (Debate.Org). Moreover, every country has enemies, and thus it must protect its territories. Complacency in this matter should not be encouraged. Therefore, the notion that increasing military expenditure is dangerous and a senseless undertaking is unfounded. The United States (U.S) has numerous enemies, some threatening to bring it down from its current glory. For instance, terrorism is a significant threat to the peace of American citizens as well as its foreign interest. Thus, the nation must prioritize investing in the military more than in any arm of the government. This is based on the fact that no sector can thrive when a nation is in havoc. The role of a powerful military in a country cannot be over stated. This essay argues that it is vital for the U.S to spend more on the military. Likewise, it will give reasons why the military need to receive a large and sufficient budgetary allocation from the past, present, and future. In the military, times of peace must not birth complacency. This is because humanity is living in dangerous times. Due to this, like never before, the Military has become a core component of stability and progress in any country. The U.S, and by extension the Western world hasShow MoreRelatedEconomic and Political Environment of Dubai3947 Words   |  16 Pages(UAE), has seen significant growth and is continuing to be viewed as a great place to do business. With a population of over 2 million, not only is Dubai booming, but it is a free trade zone, offering 100% foreign ownership and zero taxes for potential investors (CIA Factbook 2012). 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